Camu - Camu
Camu- Camu is a low growing shrub found throughout the Amazon Rainforest, Camu-camu fruits is one of newest discoveries of the rainforest and is now the highest recorded source of Vitamin C or ascorbic acid. Orange provide 500 to 4,000 parts per million vitamin C or ascorbic acid, while acerola has assayed in a range of 16,000 to 172,000 parts of per million ascorbic acid. Camu-Camu provide 21,000 to 500,000 parts of million ascorbic acid, or 2-3gram per kg.
Natural Vitamin C : Min 20%
The succulent and soft fruits are known, as the richest sources of natural C vitamin.
The use of Acerola is therapeutically related to C vitamin and therefore is useful against cold, lung disturbances and vesicle irregularities.
One should also consider its importance as anti-oxidation substance.
Natural Vitamin C : 17%
 Yerb Mate
Yerba Mate is widely cultivated in Paraguay, Brazil and Argentine. Mate leaves are used medicinally and as a natural tea beverage throughout South America due to its distinct aroma, taste and stimulant capacity (high natural Caffeine content). Yerba mate has been used medicinally as a diuretic, tonic, and stimulant. Active chemical contents of yerba mate are 0.3-2.0% caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, saponins, and chlorogenic acid, Sterols and 15 amino acids are present in the leaves.
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